Terms of Use for Professional Development Programs

Thank you for your interest in our Professional Development Programs. Please carefully read the Terms of Use that apply when registering for a program.

  1. Confidentiality
    Continuing Education for mental health clinicians includes the presentation of clinical material. To protect confidentiality, the identities and aspects of cases are disguised. Attendees are asked to help protect confidentiality by keeping all content related to clinical case material confidential and to not discuss cases outside the programs.
  2. Consultation Disclaimer
    Programs are intended for educational purposes only and are not intended to serve as clinical consultation or a substitute for clinical, legal, or risk management consultation regarding how best to intervene with specific individuals. 
  3. Responsibility for Content
    The views, opinions, theoretical applications, and clinical case material presented during programs represent those of the presenters/authors who are solely responsible for their content and they do not necessarily represent the views of the Intrapsychic Humanism Society.
  4. Live Webinars: Continuous Attendance
    The following terms apply to all participants attending Continuing Education Live Webinars whether or not a participant is seeking CE credits. The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) requires participants to maintain continuous attendance during webinars in order to be awarded the requisite number of CE credits. Accordingly, no participants will be admitted late (once the presentation begins), readmitted if they leave early, or awarded partial CEs for part of the program.
  5. Live Webinars and On Demand Webinars: Use of Online Screen
    To be awarded CE certificates, IDFPR requires all participants to join webinars using online screens, not dial-in on phone lines.
  6. Live Webinars, On Demand Webinars, and Reading Programs: Post-Program Test
    The IDFPR requires a post-program test for online psychology programs. All mental health professionals will be required to take and pass a test following these programs in order to be awarded CE certificates.
  7. Access to On Demand Webinars and Reading Programs
    Access will be available for six months after purchase.
  8. Fees
    The Intrapsychic Humanism Society reserves the right to change fees for programs and membership at any time.
  9. Cancellation Policies
    In-Person Programs and Live Webinars: In order to offer our programs at low rates and additional discounted fees, we are unable to offer refunds for cancellations.
    On Demand Programs:  These programs are available to view up to 6 months after purchase, beyond which period no refunds are available.
    Membership Fees: In order to offer members our very lowest rates, we are unable to offer refunds for cancellations. 
  10. Recording
    When recording programs during In-Person and Live Webinars for future use as On Demand Webinars, we record the presenters and use reasonable efforts to avoid recording participants. In order for attendees to feel comfortable asking questions, we de-identify the questions asked or omit Q&A periods from recordings.
  11. Interactive, Experiential Learning Programs: Benefits and Risks
    Programs with interactive, experiential learning exercises are intended to engage participants in exploring concepts, such as through small breakout group discussions and applying concepts in 1:1 role playing of hypothetical clinical situations. Experiential learning programs can have benefits for people who go through them. They can also have risks associated with, for example, discussing unpleasant issues and possibly experiencing uncomfortable feelings. Participants are asked to keep the experiences and content of these programs and everything shared by all participants confidential. The programs are intended for educational purposes only and are not intended to be psychotherapy or a substitute for psychotherapy. The exercises as well as content are the sole responsibility of the presenters.
  12. Copyright
    The programs, tests, materials, and site content are copyrighted. Copyrights of presentations and articles are licensed to the Intrapsychic Humanism Society, unless stated otherwise. No one may not reproduce, distribute, sell or commercially exploit these materials without prior written consent by the Intrapsychic Humanism Society or to the extent permitted by law.

For questions, please email Sara Johnson, Ph.D., Vice President of Operations at IntrapsychicHumanismSociety@gmail.com. For IT assistance, please email Matthew Courtright at matt@mattcourtright.com